Use this code snippet to add the same meta data value for multiple WordPress posts at once. Here I provided solutions that save one custom field in many posts.
If you do not see the set featured image box beside the post editor in the WordPress admin panel to set the featured image of posts, your solution is here. Just copy/paste this code snippet to the function.php file of your theme.
January 5, 2023
Learn how to add a new section to the settings page of the WordPress admin panel with examples. In this WordPress tutorial, we’ll introduce the WordPress add_settings_section function and review its usage with examples.
Learn how to activate a plugin in WP using the activate_plugin function programmatically. Here we provided an example of using this function to activate a WP plugin.
December 30, 2022
The absint function in WordPress accepts a number and converts it to a positive integer. This function also converts a float number to a positive integer value. But what is the return if you pass Boolean or Array instead? Find the answer in my 7 examples of using absint() in WordPress development.
December 27, 2022
Do you want to be a professional WordPress developer? Prepare yourself with the Top 10 Software to design astonishing WordPress Themes and develop useful plugins. Some of these tools are free to use for developers. Also, This article includes 10+ extra tips for beginner WordPress developers in the end.
December 24, 2022
Learn how to List Posts in WordPress using Category name, Tag name, Custom attributes, Post type, Publish date, Random posts, etc. For post listing in WordPress, we use get_posts function to retrieve any WordPress post with desired attributes.
In this WordPress tutorial for beginner developers, I will explain WordPress Actions and WordPress Filters and how you can use these WordPress Hooks in your theme or plugin, easy and understandable. This tutorial also contains +10 helpful examples for those who want to see this WordPress tutorial in action.
This WordPress plugin development tutorial teaches how to create a plugin for WordPress with a simple example of building a hello world plugin in WordPress.
July 28, 2019