WordPress Functions

if you have something specific in mind, search in WordPress Functions.

How to Add One Custom Field for Many Posts in WordPress

Use this code snippet to add the same meta data value for multiple WordPress posts at once. Here I provided solutions that save one custom field in many posts.
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How to Switch Theme in WordPress Programmatically

Here I shared a code that you can use to switch the WordPress theme to your custom theme. Only the name of the theme is required in this code to make your theme always the selected one for visitors.
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How to Get Category Names by Post ID in WordPress!

List all Category Names of a Post in WordPress with this simple PHP code I’ve provided in this tutorial. If you have a post ID, it’s easy to get associated Category Names to that post after reading this short WordPress Tutorial.
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How to Add a New Field to WordPress Admin Settings!

WP Developers can use the add_settings_field function to add a custom field to a specified WordPress setting page. If you want to add your desired fields to WordPress settings, read this comprehensive tutorial about the add_settings_field function.
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How to Add New Shortcode to WordPress! [+2 Examples]

add_shortcode function registers a custom shortcode in WordPress. Visit this tutorial to see how to use this function to add your desired shortcodes to WP easily.
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2 Simple Ways to Get WordPress Root Path

Here we introduce two easy solutions for retrieving WordPress Root Path using a PHP function and a constant: get_home_path WP function and ABSPATH constant.
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How to Use add_theme_support Function in WordPress

add_theme_support function in WP will register a feature for the specified theme. Here are a few examples of using the add_theme_support() function in WordPress development.
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How to Add a Custom Section to Settings Page in WordPress

Learn how to add a new section to the settings page of the WordPress admin panel with examples. In this WordPress tutorial, we’ll introduce the WordPress add_settings_section function and review its usage with examples.
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How to Programmatically Activate a Plugin in WordPress

Learn how to activate a plugin in WP using the activate_plugin function programmatically. Here we provided an example of using this function to activate a WP plugin.
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How to Use absint Function in WordPress [7 Examples]

The absint function in WordPress accepts a number and converts it to a positive integer. This function also converts a float number to a positive integer value. But what is the return if you pass Boolean or Array instead? Find the answer in my 7 examples of using absint() in WordPress development.
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How to Check if the Current Page is a Post in WordPress

WP developers use the is_single function to detect regular WordPress posts on the current user’s browser. For example, to check if the current page is an article (WordPress post), look for the is_single function to return a true value in a PHP condition. This function also can do more! Read this comprehensive article to learn […]
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How to Check if the Current Page is Search Page in WordPress

WordPress developers can detect Search Page using the is_search function. is_search function detects if the current page in the user browser is the website search page or not. The result of running the is_search is a Boolean, and it accepts no parameters. Let’s try this function with an example.
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How to Check if the Current Page is a Tag in WP (+Example)

If the current page is a tag page in WordPress, the is_tag function will return a true value. The is_tag function accepts only one parameter. you can use that parameter to check if the current page is a specific tag. We’re going to review the is_tag function and its usage in an example.
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How to Check if the Current User is logged in WordPress

To check if a user is logged in or not, we can use WordPress is_user_logged_in function. This function accepts no arguments and only checks the current user authentication status. the is_user_logged_in function returns a boolean value, true if the user is logged in, false if not. Be with me if you want to see this […]
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How to Get the ID of Current Logged in User from WordPress!

Performing features of an interactive website requires the ID of the current interacting user. WordPress has a function responsible for getting the current user’s ID in W, which is helpful when it comes to developing interactive features for users. This tutorial is about retrieving the current user’s ID if the visitor is logged in.
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How to Detect WP Home Page [Default or Static Front Page]

Looking for a way to determine the WordPress Home Page when visitors are viewing it? Use the is_home or is_front_page functions in a PHP condition when you want to do stuff when the Current Page is WordPress Website Home Page. Check our example for the is_home and is_front_page functions; we’ve reviewed these functions and explained […]
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How to Check if the Current Page is a Category in WordPress!

Categories are actually WordPress terms under the hood, like tags and other classification entities. But there is a simple solution in WordPress to detect a category page. WordPress developers can use the is_category function to check if the current page is a category or not. This WP function accepts one argument. Using that argument, you […]
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How to Check if Post has a Specific Tag in WordPress

To check if a post is in a tag or any of multiple tags, WP developers use the has_tag function. This function accepts two parameters to specify the tag and the post. You can execute functions when developing WordPress functionalities based on post tags using the returned boolean value by the WP has_tag function. My […]
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How to Get Post Format by Post ID in WordPress

Check out this WordPress tutorial if you want to learn how to retrieve the format of a post using a post ID. WordPress has a great function for post format detection; it calls get_post_format. We’re going to review this function in a Practical example.
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How to Remove a User Role from WordPress (with example)

remove_role function in WordPress has a simple syntax. remove_role only gets a role name and if it exists, this function will remove the role from WordPress. We’re going to remove the “Contributor” role from our WordPress for an example.
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How to Check if a Post Exists in WordPress (+Example)

WordPress has many ways to check a post’s existence by ID, title, content, date, ETC. get_post and post_exists are two useful functions in WordPress collection that can help developers check the existence of any post. Let’s review these two functions and try their usage.
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How to List All Authors in WordPress (Shortcode Included!)

In this WordPress tutorial, We’ll list all authors using the wp_list_authors function. You can use this WordPress functionality in different scenarios. To make this function more useful, we’ll create a shortcode for printing all authors.
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How to Check if a Post is Sticky in WordPress (+Example)

Sticky posts in WordPress will stick to the top of the post lists. Moderators can set a post to be sticky inside the WordPress admin panel. Developers can check if a post is sticky or not in WordPress, using the is_sticky function. In this WordPress tutorial, We’re going to set a sticky post and check […]
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How to Check if the Current User is Administrator in WP

User authentication is essential while developing WordPress. Detecting if the current user is an administrator in WordPress is not challenging, using the current_user_can function. This function is one of the most important security functions in WordPress.
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How to Check if a Post is in Specific Categories (+Example)

Checking if a post is in a specific category can help developers serve functionalities based on categories. For example, changing a post style or loading a specific file for it, when it’s in a specific category. the WordPress in_category can check if a post has a category checked for it or not.
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How to Check if Content has a Specific Shortcode in WP

Checking if a specific shortcode is available in content is an easy task to handle while developing WordPress. has_shortcode is the function available in WordPress that developers can use to check if the content has a shortcode or not! in this WordPress tutorial we’ll have a closer look at the WordPress has_shortcode function.
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How to get Post Thumbnail URL with Custom Size

WordPress generates different sizes for each uploaded image in the admin panel. Also, WordPress developers can register custom sizes for future generating. If you are interested in fetching a post’s thumbnail URL in custom size, read this article. I’m going to try registering new thumbnail sizes and retrieving thumbnails for each registered size.
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How to Set or Get a Custom Field for a Post in WP

Custom Fields in WordPress give developers the ability to store metadata on posts. Custom fields help developers avoid using extra tables in the database and use what is already available for plugin and theme development. In this tutorial, I will set a custom field on a post and retrieve its saved value.
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How to Get Page by Title in WordPress (+Example)

Getting full details of a page by title is not that challenging in WordPress. WP has a function named get_page_by_title that is useful when a developer wants to retrieve page data from a specified title. I will try this function inside a working example for those interested developers.
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How to get the Previous Post Link in WordPress

Presenting Previous Post Link for visitors can generate more page views and increase the conversion rate. WordPress introduced the get_previous_post_link function to help developers print the Previous Post Link easily and fast.
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How to get the Next Post URL in WordPress (Working Example)

WordPress get_next_post_link function helps developers to retrieve the URL of the next post when the user is currently inside one. Getting the Next Post URL is a great way to find a related article for visitors. This functionality can increase page views if a developer uses it right.
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How to get Publish Date of The Last Post in WordPress

WordPress has two perfect functions to get Publish Date of the Last Post. get_lastpostdate and get_lastpostmodified functions are helpful when the developer wants to retrieve Latest Post’s Dates. In this WordPress tutorial for beginners, We will try these two functions in a working environment and check if they return what we want?
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How to Get the Current Theme URL in WordPress

When developing WordPress, retrieving the Current Theme URL is helpful, especially to load file URLs located under the Current Theme directory. WordPress bloginfo() function can retrieve the Current Template URL.
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How to Get Home URL in WordPress [Example]

get_home_url retrieves the Home Page URL of a WordPress website. get_home_url is one of the most used WordPress functions by developers when they want to use links in the development process. Let’s have a better look at this function with an example.
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How to Get Comment Details by ID in WordPress

In WordPress, a comment is an entity with a complete set of attributes. You can retrieve any information about a comment in WordPress using the get_comment function. Using the get_comment function, you can retrieve post ID, comment text, commenter details, date, status, etc.
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How to Get Category ID by Name in WordPress

get_cat_ID function in WordPress is responsible for retrieving category ID from a given category name. I’m going to try the get_cat_ID function in an example to make the usage more clear.
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How to Count Users in WordPress (Example + Shortcode)

WP Developers can retrieve the number of registered users when developing plugins or themes. WordPress introduced the count_users function to get the count of users when you need it. Also, the count_users function will give a detailed user count based on user roles.
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How to Count Comments on a Post in WP Programmatically

The get_comments_number function will retrieve the number of comments for a post in WordPress. Do you want to check how many comments does a post has? Use the get_comments_number function with its easy syntax to get comments numbers for a post using ID.
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How to Register a Custom Image Size in WordPress (+Example)

Registering a New Image Size helps WordPress developers generate different images when the administrator uploads them on the admin panel. In this tutorial, we’ll look at the add_image_size function, responsible for registering a new image size in WordPress.
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How to Get Associated Tags to a WordPress Post (5 Examples)

WordPress get_the_tags function is responsible for retrieving associated tags of a post. WordPress developers need to specify post ID to receive an array containing tag IDs, Names, Slugs in full-detailed term objects. Read this tutorial for general information about tagging, its usage, and testing the get_the_tags function in working examples.
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How to Get Categories of a Post in WordPress (3 Examples!)

wp_get_post_categories function will help WordPress developers retrieve post categories (Name, ID, Slug, ETC). wp_get_post_categories receives a required Post ID and an optional array of arguments. In this WordPress tutorial, we’ll try retrieving Post Categories using the wp_get_post_categories function.
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How to Get Post Title in WordPress (2 Examples!)

get_the_title is the core function responsible for retrieving Post Title in WordPress. We’ll try this function inside loops and with a specific post ID. This tutorial can be the only page you need to visit to learn how to print the title of a post when developing WordPress.
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How to Get WordPress Post Date Using PHP (+2 Examples)

Retrieving Publish Date of a Post in WordPress is an easy task to do. We’ll try retrieving post attributes using a specific Post ID or current queried post id to show you how to work with Post Dates in WordPress using the get_the_date function.
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4 Special Ways to Unpublish Post Programmatically in WordPress!

There are 4 ways to unpublish a Post in WordPress using PHP codes. In this WordPress tutorial for beginners, we’ll try unpublishing a WordPress Post using WordPress core methods.
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How to Set Post Publish Date Programmatically in WordPress

You can set publish date for posts in the WordPress admin panel but sometimes you may want to set a post publishing date programmatically. for example, when you have lots of unpublished posts and you want to publish these posts on different dates in the future, you can set the publish date for each post […]
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