I’m Mehdi Nazari, a WordPress Developer.

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Hi everyone; my name is Mehdi Nazari, and I'm a WordPress developer. I created this blog to write helpful WordPress articles for beginner and experienced developers.

I’m a full-stack developer with over 12 years of experience developing themes and plugins for WordPress CMS.

I learned HTML & CSS in 2007 and created a few static websites at the time. I started programming C++ in 2008, but soon I learned PHP, which seemed interesting.

I started developing WordPress in 2009 when WordPress was version 2. before that, I worked with Joomla! and PHP nuke (a really old CMS!).

as a Full Stack developer, I’m also experienced in creating mobile applications. I started developing android applications in 2015 and iOS applications in 2018.

I decided to create this blog to help other developers overcome WordPress issues and help beginners start developing WordPress plugins and themes.

In the future, I will write helpful tutorials about WordPress plugins and theme development, WordPress management tricks, and WordPress SEO tips.

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