How to get the Next Post URL in WordPress (Working Example)

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How to get the Next Post URL in WordPress (Working Example)

WordPress get_next_post_link function helps developers to retrieve the URL of the next post when the user is currently inside one. Getting the Next Post URL is a great way to find a related article for visitors. This functionality can increase page views if a developer uses it right.

get_next_post_link function will print the next post URL when the user reads one.

So if you want to use get_next_post_link function while developing WordPress, WP will look for a current post object and will generate the next post URL for you.

get_next_post_link Function Syntax

This function’s syntax is easy to understand and parameters names represent what options you can set to customize generated HTML code.

 $format = '%link »',
 $link = '%title',
 $in_same_term = false,
 $excluded_terms = '',
 $taxonomy = 'category'

get_next_post_link Function Usage

You can use the get_next_post_link function inside the single.php file of your current template.



<a href="" rel="next">Next Post's Title</a>»

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