How to Add a Custom Section to Settings Page in WordPress

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How to Add a Custom Section to Settings Page in WordPress

Learn how to add a new section to the settings page of the WordPress admin panel with examples. In this WordPress tutorial, we'll introduce the WordPress add_settings_section function and review its usage with examples.

add_settings_section Function Introduction

Since WordPress V2.7.0 The add_settings_section Function is responsible for adding a new section to the settings page inside the WordPress admin panel.

To add a new section to the settings page, you need to give this function an ID to set on the section, a title to display for the admin, a callback function to print what you need in this section, and the slug of the settings page.

The last parameter in the add_settings_section is an optional array you can use to customize your settings section. This array was introduced in WordPress V.6.1.0.

Basic usage of add_settings_section function:

	'A custom title to show',
	//since V6.1.0
		//prints before the section
		'before_section' => '<div class="before-section">',
		//prints after the section (does not print in empty section)
		'after_section' => '</div>', //html for after the section

Note: please update WordPress to the latest version before using this function. Because there was a major change in the add_settings_section() since WordPress V.6.1.0.

add_settings_section Function Syntax

Look at the syntax below; there are four required string parameters and an optional array accepted by the add_settings_section function:

add_settings_section( string $id,  string $title,  callable $callback,  string $page, array $args )

add_settings_section Function Parameters

  • $id: ID string to set for this section. Use a hyphenated string (slug).
  • $title: this string is used to show a heading title for the new section.
  • $callback: to print the content of this section. (Not the form fields. They are added using the add_settings_fields function)
  • $page: default options are: general, reading, writing, discussion, and media. If you added a custom settings page, you can use its slug here to add a section. (add new page using add_options_page())
  • $args: This array was recently introduced (since WordPress V6.1.0) to add HTML codes before or after the section by these array keys:
    • before_section: HTML code to put before the section content
    • after_section: HTML code to put after the section content. (does not print for empty sections)

add_settings_section Function Example

In this example, we’ll use add_settings_section with add_settings_field to print a section with sample fields.

//callback to print a simple section in general page
function my_custom_section_callback(){
	echo '

This text is inside the callback!

'; } //callback to print a simple input field function my_custom_field_callback(){ echo ''; } function add_my_custom_section_to_settings(){ //add the section to general page in admin panel add_settings_section( 'id_for_settings_section', 'A custom title to show', 'my_custom_section_callback', 'general', array( 'before_section' => 'Text Before the Section', //html for before the section 'after_section' => 'Text After the Section', //html for after the section ) ); //add a sample field to this section. add_settings_field( 'id_for_setting_field', 'A custom field', 'my_custom_field_callback', 'general', //put the id of custom section here: 'id_for_settings_section' ); } add_action('admin_init', 'add_my_custom_section_to_settings');

After using this code in your WordPress custom plugin or functions.php of the active theme, You can open this URL to see the section:

Look for something like this screenshot:

Custom Section in WordPress General Settings

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